Part I:  Theory (Teoria)


1. A. Bieliński, C. Łapińska: Circle  Orthogonally  Intersecting  two  Non-coplanar  Circles. 

2. J. Dźwierzyńska: Cylindrical Panorama – Two Approaches.

3. S. Ochoński: The Equilateral Triangles whose Vertices Belong to Three Non Coplanar Straight Lines.

4. S. Ochoński: The Equilateral Triangles of a Given Side whose Vertices Belong to Three Non Coplanar Straight Lines.

5. A. Zdziarski:  Deformation Nets for Plane Mirror Anamorphs.

Part  II:  Graphics Education (Dydaktyka)


6. A. Tejszerska: Geometry and Graphics in Landscape Architecture.

Part  III:  Applications (Zastosowania)


7. D. Bysiec: A Group of Spherical Tessellations Based on Second Family Regular Octahedron-Based Polyhedra.

8. A. Kulig, K. Romaniak: On Perspective Images of Architecture in the Past and Today – Part II.

9. K. Maleček, J. Szarka, D. Szarková: Surfaces with Constant Slope and their Generalisation.

10. K. Ułamek: Points Mapping in the Central-Reflexive Projection on Conical Surface.

11. M. Żukowski: Method for Determination of Configuration Factors in Radiation Heat Transfer.

Part  IV:  Information and News (Wydarzenia i informacje)


12. A. Koch, T. Wieja: Tomasz Sulima Samujłło – postmortus tribune.

13. P. Furmanek: Memories of Professor  Jerzy Mroczkowski (1944-2009).


Instructions for Authors